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Hombu dojo of 
Shorin-Ryu Karate
    U. S. A.

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Emotion in Balance

It is amazing to be embraced as a member of this family where we foster growth in each other while becoming stronger as a group. My karate training has been a remarkable journey and pillar in my life. I often relate lessons learned in the dojo and apply them to life outside of the school. 

Quotes of Hanshi and Sensei Mackay often come to mind. "Just Do It" and "Don’t Give Up" are the two most referenced. These are words of encouragement in a very intense atmosphere. They transcend time and space. They evoke emotion in balance with adding clarity to situations, both on and off the deck. I am inspired to embrace the peaks and valleys in training while trying to maintain balance. I find myself a humble student in finding this balance.


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