Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate / Technique of the Week


Technique of the Week (Dec 18th 2011)

From Sensei Sal Scaglione, Roku-Dan
Ueshiro Northern VA Karate


Half Speed/Half Power

One of the great benefits of the annual Black Belt workout is the sugar all of the Black Belts receive from Hanshi. We each understand the importance of taking this valuable training information back to our respective Dojo and disseminating Hanshi’s words of instruction to each Deshi. I have the benefit of sending out the TFTW a few short weeks after the most recent black belt workout while Hanshi's message is still vivid in my memory.

Among the many gems Hanshi gave us that weekend, he placed great emphasis on working our kata and basic techniques at half speed/half power. Working our technique in the either at home in private or at our training hall, our Dojo, at half speed/half power allows for breaking down each individual move and “burning in” our form. Thinking about how other athletes use the focused slow motion idea to decompose techniques highlights the benefits of working in a control environment to prepare for full speed/full power Kata execution and real world encounters. We will always be prepared to execute at full power without loss of form or efficiency in execution.

Using the athlete analogy, Hanshi points out the swimmer who executes swim strokes with precision essentially slices through the water and covers far more distance then does the swimmer who splashes about in the water exhibiting poor technique. By breaking down the swim stroke, a swimmer can refine techniques and he/she becomes more fluid and therefore more efficient. We can have the same results as the efficient swimmer if we take the time in our training to break down techniques with half speed/half power movements, burn in form, eliminate extraneous movements, and then work full power.

By applying Hanshi’s direction on half speed/half power we all can work our techniques and improve our Karate on every level. Starting with the Red Book, questions 8 & 16, research this topic well and work to apply the principle to your training.

Domo Arigato,

Sensei Sal Scaglione, Roku-Dan
Ueshiro Northern VA Karate
