Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate / Technique of the Week

Technique of the Week (November 20th, 2006)

From Keith Eng
Ni Dan
Wilton Connecticut Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate Club


Hanshi, Kyoshi, Shihan, Sensei and Deshi, Onegai-shimasu!

When practicing kata, the punch/strike (zuki) should land at the correct target and not ‘float’ during the strike. Although this has been a popular subject for TFTW, its repetitiveness should signify its importance. The strike is a linear movement from the pocket to the target. Only when the zuki is executed in this linear manner, will it have power and utility. The primary reason for kata is to create muscle memory when executing techniques so they become automatic movements. If the practitioner is constantly correcting their moves during the strike, the punch becomes an ineffective heat-seeking-missile that arcs and bobs to its target. If the muscles do not practice and ‘learn’ the correct movement, the zuki will be ineffective when it is needed most. Practice the strike as a linear movement from the pocket to the target. Only perfect practice makes perfect.

Keith Eng
Ni Dan
Wilton Connecticut Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate Club
