Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate / Technique of the Week

October 20th, 2013

From Kyoshi David Baker,
Chief Administrator,
Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate USA

Primary targets are on the midline of the opponent

Our three primary frontal targets – nose, solar plexus, and groin – are all located on the midline of the body. They are each uniquely, 1) effective – where the nerves converge into central plexuses or organs (and a near-miss will usually still impact adjacent, vital organs), 2) convenient – the midline is the most likely to be hit during a moving, dynamic fight, and 3) vulnerable – one can amass neither bodybuilding muscle nor body fat at any of these three target points, which might safeguard them from attack.

1. Jodan: The neurological target is the brain, through the external contact point of the nose.
2. Chudan: The neurological target is the solar plexus (also called the celiac plexus), through the external contact point of the xiphoid process.
3. Gedan: The neurological target is the spermatic cord contained within the testicles of the male, through the external contact point of the testicles.

The Shinden picked these targets for their unique vulnerability and potential for injury. And remember, as with every technique, accelerate through the external point of contact, and keep your striking weapon tight.

The primary targets are on the midline of the body (longitude), but the neurological targets are distant in height from their external contact points (latitude). The nose is lower than the brain, and the xiphoid process is higher than the solar plexus.

This can be seen from the front…

and from the side:

However, this seeming discrepancy is solved by adding our punching arms to the graphic:

N.B.: The angle of the arm for Chudan-zuki in kata practice is the precise one described by Master Ueshiro and passed on by Hanshi Scaglione. (Such that a “drop of oil would slowly roll down the outstretched arm” – see "Punching" http://www.shorinryu.com/tec.library/t081098.htm for reference.)

Therefore, during Kata, the angle for Chudan-zuki should not be the angle shown in the above graphic, where the fist is attacking the actual solar plexus.

Domo arigato gozaimasu,
Kyoshi David Baker,
Chief Administrator,
Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate USA
founded by Grand Master Ansei Ueshiro
under the direction of Hanshi Robert Scaglione

New York, NY • USA
