Kyoshi's Technique of the Week

October 16th, 2016

This week's thought is from Emiliano Mazlen Yon-Dan

Shihan, Boston Chinatown Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate Club

Under the direction of Hanshi Robert Scaglione

There is No Rush

Onegai-shimasu Hanshi, Kyoshi, Sensei, Shihan and Fellow Deshi,

Just as we should not rush the performance of our kata, there is no rush to receive the next rank or the next kata. We deshi can always make more improvements on our current kata or come closer to truly earning the rank we have. That – which is the Path right in front of us (and which will move us forward in the right time to our next rank or kata) – is where we should focus, rather than focusing ahead on the next rank or kata itself.

Domo arigato gozaimasu to all.

Emiliano Mazlen


Shihan, Boston Chinatown Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate Club
