Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate / Technique of the Week

Technique of the Week (October 16th, 2006)

From Sensei Tamir Shihan, Suntree YMCA Dojo, Florida
Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate USA



In Hanshi’s Saturday workout yesterday, I was challenged once again by one of the many basic principles which Hanshi is so gifted at reminding and teaching us. This basic principle is so high level (as the many other basic principles are as well) that I must work it diligently for the rest of my life as I travel the path of our Karate-Do. This particular basic principle is that of Yin-Yang-Yin; relaxation-tension-relaxation.

In order for the karateka to generate maximum explosive force, he or she must start from zero force (total relaxation) and accelerate in the shortest time possible to maximum force (total tension) upon impact, and then immediately relax again to zero force in preparation for the next block, strike, or kick. Explosive acceleration is the key to maximizing force, but it must start with total relaxation. Practice this diligently. It is very high level training. In your kata, cross deck exercises, yakusoku kumite, etc put as much emphasis on relaxation as you do on the tension. Use the relaxation to generate incredible speed to the target, which will result in maximum power. Remember that maximum tension should only occur for a split second during the impact of your block, strike, or kick.

Happy Birthday Hanshi! May this new year of your life be filled with great Joy and Vigor!

Domo Arigato Gozaimasu,

Sensei Tamir

Shihan, Suntree YMCA Dojo, Florida

Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate USA
