Thought For The Week

Thought for the Week (October 9th 2000)
Dale Adamson, Ni Dan
Mohawk Valley Karate Club


Shinden Ni Rei

Remember the shinden, those who came before us.

One morning as I was preparing for a workout, I looked up to see the few pictures of our Shorin ryu shinden. 

It occurred to me that these men influenced more lives and lifestyles than any political or financial leader 
of our time. So I dedicated that training period to the Shinden.

It seem that as I came to a different kata, a shinden or the person who influenced me the most on that kata came into my mind, and for a moment it felt like they were right beside me. 

For example when I was performing 
Fukyugata san, I heard Sensei Hall remind me " get lower", "this kata has only one kick", and "keep you center down". At Kata Wankan, 

I recalled Sense Hodes training with me in an 8 x 16 area of my garage. It was like being in a cave and being taught by one of the masters, respectfully correcting my errors.

Honor the Shinden through the best performance of your Kata and by doing this we can carry on a tradition that will never end.


Dale Adamson, Nidan

