Kyoshi's Technique of the Week

Technique of the Week (September 20th, 2010)

From The Ueshiro Okinawan Karate Family Club

State College PA

Karate as a Family Affair

In celebration of Grandparents’ Day (which this year fell on Sunday, September 12, 2010), and as a reflection of our dojo’s emphasis on family training, Steve Miller, San-kyu and father and grandfather of students in our dojo, is representing our group in providing this week’s Thought for the Week reflection. Domo arigato gozaimasu, Kyoshi Kaplan (Shihan, Ueshiro Okinawan Karate Family Club, State College, PA)

Onegaishimasu Hanshi, Kyoshi, Sensei, Senpai and Deshi,

Karate has a long family tradition, passed from one generation to the next. My family, however, has approached karate from a slightly nontraditional route: My daughter, Lynn, and grandson, Alex, began training in the State College dojo and then they brought me into the dojo a year later. After five years training together, karate has provided another link in the family bonds that join us. My grandson, Alex, and I spend a lot of time together since I work at home and he joins my wife and me at our house after school each day. Training together has brought our three generations closer. Alex and I frequently practice blocks and attacks during the afternoon, giving both of us a good reason to break from the computer. I have watched as we all have grown stronger, more confident, and closer to one another through karate. Within our dojo, family is celebrated as well as the karate that we share with our Ueshiro family. For all of the benefits of family, training, and fellowship with members of Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu karate and their Sensei from earlier generations, I say arigato gozaimasu Hanshi, Kyoshi Kaplan, and all of my fellow students of the art of karate.

Steve Miller, San-kyu

Ueshiro Okinawan Karate Family Club

State College, PA
