Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate / Technique of the Week

September 10th 2012

From Shihan Bob Dobrow, San-Dan
Ueshiro Northfield Shorin-Ryu Karate Dojo of Minnesota

Onegai-shimasu Hanshi, Kyoshi, Sensei, and all Deshi,

This technique of the week is about the technique of the week. I recently discovered a search feature in Google which I want to share with all deshi. (My apologies if you know this already, but I tend to be a dinosaur when it comes to technology, so this was quite a revelation for me.)

If you want to learn more about, say, mae geri front snap kicks, try typing

mae geri site: shorinryu.com

in the Google search field of your favorite web browser. The search engine will return a list of every reference to mae geri in the full archive of past techniques of the week. Try it!

This is a fantastic resource! The technique of the week archive contains years of accumulated wisdom from Hanshi, Kyoshi, and Sensei. One of the remarkable things about our organization, is the excellent resources that are available to all deshi – the kata DVD, the books, AND the techniques of the week. (Note that in the early years, all the TFTW postings signed "Kyoshi" were written by Hanshi, who was the only Kyoshi at the time.)

When Hanshi says “research this well,” one starting place is to look at all the past techniques of the week for reference, using this “site:” feature in Google.

And to all students, families with children, and those of us in the academic world for which September is the beginning of the new year: Happy New Year!

Domo arigato gozaimasu.

Respectfully submitted,
Shihan Bob Dobrow, San-Dan
Ueshiro Northfield Shorin-Ryu Karate Dojo of Minnesota
