Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate / Technique of the Week

Thought/Technique Archive

Technique of the Week (September 2nd, 2007)

From Sensei Patrick Markowitz

East Meets West Karate Club of Northern Virginia


Onegai-shimasu Hanshi, Kyoshi, Sensei, and all SRKUSA Deshi:

A thread ran through virtually all the stories that Hanshi generously recounted to those gathered for the 45th Anniversary celebration of Grand Master Ueshiro’s arrival in America, which was--saying “yes”. The rich anecdotes, which stretched from NYC neighborhood coffee shops to Ohio living rooms all the way to California and Florida, virtually all began with little or no advance notice from Master Ueshiro to the travelers and no promise of what lay ahead, but a willingness to say “yes”.

We all have our own stories and experiences stemming from times when we said “yes”. Some are happy stories that usually began by saying “yes” to an opportunity; however, our more meaningful memories spring from when we say “yes” to challenges or challenging situations we face. Each and every one of us said “yes” when we took our first step into our hallowed training halls. By saying “yes” to continued training when our bodies or our complicated lives scream “no”, by meeting obstacles in our lives with quiet determination, we are forging warrior spirit and following the path that has been shown to us.

Whatever goals, challenges, or opportunities lie before you, meet them face-on with eyes-up and say “yes!”

Arigato gozaimasu,

Sensei Patrick Markowitz

East Meets West Karate Club of Northern Virginia

