Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate / Technique of the Week

Technique of the Week (August 30th, 2009)

From Sensei Steve Lott Midtown (Hombu) Karate Dojo, NYC

An Error in Technique When Chambering the Down Block.

An error sometimes occurs with the blocking arm when a down block is chambered. This happens in down blocks in F1 right through the advanced Kata.

Here is what happens in F1:

The second move, right hand - right foot walking punch, is complete and the student prepares to make a 180 degree turn into a down block.

But, as the student begins to drop and cover, the blocking arm drops much too low.

The student then re-chambers the arm to the correct position.

And finally completes the down block.

This happens again after the 4th move:

The student prepares to make a 90 degree turn for the next move: down block, left hand - left foot.

But, as the student begins to drop and cover, the blocking arm is seen again dropping much too low.

The student then re-chambers the arm to the correct position.

And finally completes the down block.

All instructors know that they must do the basics as well as the kata, side by side with the students, in each class. But, every once in a while, be certain to walk off to the side and observe the class. Make it your business to recognize this and other similar mistakes early on in the student's training. A well executed technique, done over and over, becomes a habit that is tough to break. But, the same can happen with a technique that is performed poorly. Don't let that happen!


Steve Lott
