Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate / Technique of the Week

Technique of the Week (July 12th, 2009)

From Sensei Lyle Kleusch, Shihan, Ueshiro Okinawan Karate Club

Hong Kong



Patience is a great asset in combat, business and personal relationships. We should incorporate patience into our karate training in order to develop it as a personality trait. Using your karate training to develop patience.

Example 1: no-count kata.

Wait patiently in yoi. anticipate the command hajime. At the hajime, deshi instantly snap into the first move of the kata. That is correct. However, what often happens is deshi start to rush the moves. This is incorrect. Pause between each move, patient and calm.

Example 2: imagining opponents

When first learning this pause between moves idea, you can count One one-thousand, two one-thousand between the moves if you need too. Don't rush this either. Count slowly. Soon, you will have a feel for the pause and you can imagine someone attacking you between moves. Wait calmly for the attack, then respond with an explosive defensive move.

Example 3: bunkai

This training concept carries over to bunkai when doing a defensive move. Be patient and wait until the attacking deshi moves first. Don't anticipate. Only after they move can you truly know their intentions.

Example 4: doshokai and compai

Cultivate patience while sharing meals with senior members of our organization. Wait patiently for them to have the first word, drink or bite to eat. Don't anticipate. Remove desire from your mind and replace it with a sense of enjoyment of the moment.

Off the deck applications of patience:

Combat: When someone threatens to attack you, be patient and calm (with mushin) until you see their intention or technique. Know your enemy. Then will you be able to respond with the exact counter-measure needed.

Business: Wait patiently until you have all the information/elements you need or can gather before you proceed. Only then you will be able to respond or implement actions that have the best chance for success.

Personal: In relationships, the real reason behind someone's actions is not always what they say it is or what you think it is. With patience you can often discover others' true feelings, thoughts and intentions. More patience = less anger and mis-understanding.

Domo Arigato Hanshi, Kyoshi, Sensei, Sempai and Deshi!

Lyle Kleusch, Shihan

Ueshiro Okinawan Karate Club

Hong Kong
