Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate / Technique of the Week

Technique of the Week (May 11th, 2009)

From Sensei Des Chaskelson, Shihan

Cocoa Beach Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate


This week here in Cocoa Beach we are focused on the St Jude Children’s Hospital fundraiser, with our two self defense seminars for non-students on Tuesday and Wednesday, followed by our kata-thon for students, on Friday.

The events were kicked off last weekend with Hanshi and his Viera deshi who raised over $500 with their self defense/karate seminar. Domo arigato to Hanshi for his ongoing and tireless leadership and support and to Viera student Jeannette Miller, for stepping up to coordinate the event.

Domo argiato to deshi from all parts of our URKUSA network, from Hong Kong, to New York, who have supported our efforts with donations and moral support. In total, we have already raised over $2,000, with the events of this week still to come. We will post the final results with a full list of participants as well as our donors and supporters from other USRKUA schools on completion.

The events are proving to be a good way to generate enthusiasm among current deshi, as well as a vehicle for spreading the word about Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu worldwide, via newspaper articles as well as TV & Radio PSA’s and online coverage. We hope to attract new students from the self defense seminars and the publicity and thus continue to fulfill our mission statement of propagating the art of Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate.


Sensei Des Chaskelson

Cocoa Beach Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate

