Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate / Technique of the Week

Thought/Technique Archive

Technique of the Week (April 22nd, 2007)

From Robert Neff, Ni-Dan
Shihan, PS 27 Ueshiro Karate Club


Anytime, Anywhere, Anyone

Onegai Shimasu Hanshi, Kyoshi, Sensei, Sempai, and Deshi,

In Tales of Okinawa’s Great Masters, Shoshin Nagamine discusses karate’s
popularity. He states that karate’s popularity has to be do to the
“anytime, anywhere, anyone” principle. Master Nagamine states,”Simply put,
the practice of karate knows no limitations; there are no time, place, age,
or gender restrictions. One can train any time, any place, and with
anyone, or even by one self.”

There is nothing like training in a USRKUSA dojo. Training in a dojo is an
integral part of our training. Hanshi has stated that he has not missed a
week without training in a dojo. We are encouraged and should train in as
many of the dojo in our system as possible. When traveling we should visit
our brother and sister dojo and travel to them strictly for training

However, many of us may often find ourselves away from the dojo within our
system. I have found doing kata outdoors in nature a wonderful and
meaningful experience. Recently I was on vacation in the Czech Republic.
While traveling my favorite experiences were the ones in which I did kata.
I gained insight into Rohai while observing the White Heron on the beach of
a lake in the small town of Trebon. Another morning I felt as if I could
protect a king while practicing Wankan overlooking Krumlov Castle, in Cesky

I believe that you give some of your spirit to any location in which you
perform kata. Additionally, you take something away from that location you
perform kata on/in. You take something you would otherwise not gain.
Sensei Mackay recently explained to a class a theory he had about doing
kata on a beach, snow, or dirt. If you look down at the ground after
performing a kata in one of these locations you can see the signature of
the composer of that kata. You can see their signature in your own

This week do at least one kata in a place you don’t normally perform kata.
Let your imagination run away with you.

Domo Arigato Gozaimasu,

Robert Neff, Ni-Dan
Shihan, PS 27 Ueshiro Karate Club/Deshi, Ueshiro Midtown Karate
