Thought For The Week

Thought for the Week (April 22th, 2002)

From Sensei Michael Mackay- Midtown Karate Dojo

"What is faith worth if it not translated into action?" - Mahatma Gandi

In the context of the dojo, many exercises, traditions, rituals and policies need to be taken "on faith" for a multitude of reasons: supplying "reasons" for everything can take up the entire class; we spend to much time "explaining" or "thinking" about things instead of "just doing" them. Being able to accept certain principals on faith shows a willingness to trust (specifically, to trust our ancestors). It frees us from the fears of uncertainty and the endless loops of questioning.

Gandi's twist on faith reminds us that accepting ideas without complete understanding does not mean we abandon them in our day-to-day lives. The principles we take on faith are meant to be put into action - every day - inside the dojo and out. This exposes them to the test of time, where some may flounder and others will surely survive.
