Kyoshi's Technique of the Week

Technique of the Week (April 11th, 2010)

From Sensei Rob Neff, San-Dan

The High School for Leadership and Public Service Ueshiro Karate Club, NYC

Work Your Weakness

Onegai Shimasu Hanshi, Kyoshi, Sensei, Sempai, and fellow Deshi-

While none of us would like to admit that we have weaknesses in our training, we all upon reflection would admit that there are certain aspects of our training that could use work. We all train with, “Joy and Vigor,” but there are so many facets to our karate curriculum that we inevitably skip one aspect or another during our daily routine. Some aspects we may even skip for weeks or months. (I’ll admit that I work chishi very infrequently.)

Usually the training aspect we skip or say, “I’ll get to it next time.” is something we embrace less or the thing that needs the most work. This could apply to a stance, a basic technique you don’t have down yet, your weakest kata, leg work, abdominal work, hitting makiwara, or using chishi just to name a few things. Try not to put your weakness off. Embrace it and make it your strength.

Domo Arigato Gozaimasu-

Sensei Rob Neff, San-Dan

The High School for Leadership and Public Service Ueshiro Karate Club
