Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate / Technique of the Week

Thought/Technique Archive

Technique of the Week (March 31st, 2008)

From Sensei Emiliano Mazlen
Boston Chinatown Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate Club

Stepping quickly is a critical element of performing a technique with full speed.

It is a common error for the feet to generally be slow even in a full speed/full power technique.

Quick hands, while also key, are unlikely to make up for the time lost by slow feet.

(It is helpful however, as an exercise from time to time, to step slowly while preparing the block

or punch and then blocking or punching with power, this allows us to experience/feel

the step-first-then-punch aspect of training.)

A relevant visualization is that while we are stepping and, then, completing our technique

(whether it be a block or strike), our opponent is continuing his attack. The quicker we step

and block/strike the better chance we have of striking before the attacker’s next strike

or completely blocking that second attack before it can achieve full extension and power.

Keep moving forward.


Domo arigato gozaimasu,
Sensei Emiliano Mazlen
Boston Chinatown Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate Club

