Thought For The Week

Thought for the Week (March 17th, 2003)

From William Kolbert Ni-Dan, Shihan Wilton Shorin Ryu Club

Onegai-shimasu Hanshi, Kyoshis, and Deshi,
The following technique of the week is submitted on behalf of Shihan William

It's all about foundation. Plant the feet firmly into the deck before each
and every technique. Perfect opportunities to practice this fundamental
concept present themselves throughout our kata. Here is a one of many great

In Pinan Shodan the nukite zuki (spear hand thrust or ridge hand strike -
fingers extended) is executed only when the migi ashi (right foot) has been
fully planted into the deck. The power of this technique without the proper
foundation is insignificant but with the proper foundation this technique
delivers devastating power to your opponent.

Domo arigato,
William Kolbert
Ni-Dan, Shihan
Wilton Shorin Ryu Club

