Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate / Technique of the Week

Technique of the Week (February 15th, 2009)

From Sensei Lorenzo Aguon Ueshiro Hawaii Karate Dojo

Honolulu, Hawaii

"The Many Ways to Train Your Kata"

1. half speed
2. snap
3. full power
4. one move per count
5. two moves per count
6. complete all the moves in one direction
7. "half a move" per count
8. no hand techniques, just feet
9. blind-folded
10. mirrored version
11. facing all different directions (including angles)
12. bunkai
13. group katas in formations(standing in circles, back to back, etc.)
14. getting extremely low on all moves

How many different ways can you think of doing your Kata? Share them with all the deshi!

Domo Arigato,
Sensei Lorenzo Aguon
Ueshiro Hawaii Karate Dojo
