Kyoshi's Technique of the Week

Technique of the Week (February 13th, 2011)

Sensei Lorenzo
Ueshiro Hawaii Karate Dojo

"The Imaginary Roof"
We always hear our Sensei(s) say to "Stay low", "Don't move your body up and down", "Pretend there is an imaginary roof on top of your head"

This is so important when training various techniques in repetition, or doing series of moves in a kata. Fukyugata 3 is a prime example of making sure we stay low throughout the majority of the kata. In Fukyugata 3 we come into the upright position only a couple of times. The rest of the kata is spent in the lower Zenkutsu-dachi stances and Jigotai-dachi stances. To make sure you stay the same height when in the lower stance during Fukyugata 3, imagine a low roof right on top of your head. Try not to make even the tips of your hair touch the imaginary roof. Use the mirrors in the dojo to constantly check your height. Watch yourself as you transition from move to move in Fukyugata 3. Do you catch yourself bobbing up and down?

We all have a staff(bo) in our dojo. Grab one and create a group of three people. Have two people hold the staff at each end and have the third person practicing a low technique in the middle. For example, take a look at the pictures below of three students training the "imaginary roof" during Gedan uke Zenkutsu-dachi.

The two students hold the staff just over the practitioners head while he/she does the technique back and forth. If you don't maintain a steady low stance and you bob up and down....your head hits the staff. "Stay low". "Don't move your body up and down". "Pretend there is an imaginary roof over your head".

Sensei Lorenzo
Ueshiro Hawaii Karate Dojo
