Thought For The Week

Thought for the Week (Jan 30th, 2003)

From Sensei Lorenzo Aguon Downtown Karate Dojo
Honolulu, Hawaii


Aloha From Hawaii,

Yet another year has passed and another year of training under our belts.

"Begin Karate even before the class starts"

It is a good practice to show up for class early..but never stop just there. Take the opportunity to grab another deshi and work some kata, do a little three-point arm training, work on prearranged fighting, punch the makiwara, grab a group and practice some Bun-kai, or simply do some stretching...the whole point is to do something and not remain still. Even in route to karate or sometime during the day, doing mental katas in your head can make the energy of the class even more powerful.

Practice this throughout the New Year...

Aloha and Have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Sensei Lorenzo Aguon
Downtown Karate Dojo
Honolulu, Hawaii
