Kyoshi's Weekly Technique Bulletin 12/14/98


Kyoshi's Technique of the Week
December 4th, 2000 


Breathing is the ultimate immediate essential to human life.
It is the first and the last thing one does (birth/death).

It is the most simple function we do.
Proper breathing enhances one's movements/techniques..literally
makes them more powerful. Breathing energizes and also relaxes.

Most people use only 1/4 (more or less) of their lung capacity. Some
people hold 
their breath during challenging or stressful moments when
actually maximum breath is needed.
The exhale is as important as the inhale.
A basic principal is to contract on the exhale ("squeeze" the air out)
and relax on the inhale
("drawing" or "forcing" the air into the body)..tension and release.
There are many methods of breathing
according to the circumstances..i.e. during physical activity versus
sleeping or meditating.
Research breathing well, the results are amazing.

To master one's breathing is to master one's self.

Kyoshi Robert Scaglione.
