Kyoshi's Weekly Technique Bulletin 09/14/98

Kyoshi's Technique of the Week

"Yakusoku Kumite 1"

Yakusoku Kumite 1-complements the Fukugata Kata. The kumite develops timing, mai and body shifting skills. Most important is one's attitude toward and commitment to your training partner (opponent). Reflexive sense, simultaneously defending and attacking components are enhanced through proper repetitive practice.

The techniques developed are the high-punch - from F1 and F2, chasing punch- from F3, upper block -from F123, low block - from F123. The stances employed are shizentai, zenkutsu and jigotai dachi -from F123.

The most important aspect of Yakusoku Kumite for us, is to adhere meticulously to the techniques and stances as taught, described (by instructors, books, etc.) in their practical application to the kumite. Avoid using unfamiliar techniques from other combat arts or improperly executed karate techniques.

As described in the Technique of the Week -Martial Attitude- 7/13/98 the last paragraph, practice as in a life and death situation but never with the intention of harming your training opponent. In kata training there is no need to hold back with the imaginary opponent, full commitment is employed. The kata practice precludes any chance of injury.

Page 252 of the Okinawan Karate-do book by Master Nagamine a quote describes the training "In kumite you must commit yourself totally, and from this commitment arises the realization that your blow could easily kill your opponent, that the karateman holds life and death in his hands. But you must never engage in pre-arranged fighting with the intent to kill."

One may further develop the effectiveness of the techniques indicated in pre-arranged fighting #1 by the practice of bunkai of the kata F123.

Arigato, Kyoshi Robert Scaglione.

