Kyoshi's Weekly Technique Bulletin 12/14/98


Kyoshi's Technique of the Week
April 9th, 2001 

Posture On and Off the Deck

Standing tall, walking and carrying oneself like a martial
Many times people have asked "Do you do karate or
a martial art?" simply because of your posture.
Correct posture exudes an air of confidence and well 
being. This carries over into one's subconscious and creates 
positive energy. Preclude injury in all activities through correct 

Stand tall at all times. Bring the shoulder blades together,
balance the head back over the body, straighten the back,
chest up, touch the head to the ceiling, add inches to your height,
take inches off your stomach... all this in two seconds....breathe.

At times relax, slouch or curl up with a good book once
in a while (like a cat) is okay, as when we intersperse
stretching throughout each class.

Kyoshi Robert Scaglione.

