Kyoshi's Weekly Technique Bulletin 03/09/98

K Y O S H I ' S
O F   T H E   W E E K

MARCH 9, 1998

Testing Oneself

Testing oneself. The technique of putting oneself to the test in every class motivates one to achieve daily rewards. The real test is showing up, suiting up and participating as if it was a Blackbelt test. The actual test and rank received every six monthsdoes not compare to the gift received during and after each workout. The only requirement is our energy and attendance. It is never accomplished by not showing up.

Once on the deck we must give in order to receive. Half-hearted effort gives half-hearted results at every level. The gift received is directly proportionate to the energy put forth. This concept parallels last weeks thought for the week and is true in all aspects and responsibilities in the pursuit of our self-development. Simply stated, the technique is the test of karate through hard work, diligent effort. physical and mental stamina applied to motivating oneself to success. Dictionary definition test subjection to conditions that disclose the true character of a person in relation to some particular quality. Trial, examine, criterion, measure, questions, problems,evidence.....proof. In every karate class you are the candidate, jury and judge of yourself. Arigato,
Kyoshi Robert Scaglione

