Kyoshi's Weekly Technique Bulletin 12/14/98


Kyoshi's Technique of the Week
February 5th, 2001 

 Rooting the Feet

The first move of Fukugata Ichi-
Create a dramatic stance height change, from high to low,
by stepping out with the left foot, wind up the low block. 
Place and root the left foot. Adjust and root the rear (right) foot.
Dig in the heels, dig in (the knife-foot edges,)
grab the deck with the toes, lift the arches.

**** Root down.****
Create a strong foundation. 

Snap the head left, towards the direction of the move,
snap the hip into the move. With maximum speed and 
power complete/execute the low block.
The left arm is totally locked out straight, no bend at the wrist or
elbow, the fist tightly clenched stops directly, two fist widths, above the knee.

All the action is done with fluid motion in the described order

Kyoshi Robert Scaglione.
